Sunday, October 14, 2007

Vocabulary for Week of 16 October 2007

The following words, phrases, and explanations are not intended to be complete but open to further class discussion.
bowling (game with large bowl and pins)

pleaded (begged)

begging (pleading)

flatter (say nice things insincerely)

sweetheart (honey, loved one)

make you comfortable (make you feel at home)

nuts (not the noun) (crazy)

"she's gone" (crazy)

to get "loaded" (drunk)

"comfy" (comfortable)

"by the way" (transition phrase to a main point)

3-D (three-dimensional)

"gotta go along with you" (agree)

"headaches" (problems)

"peace of mind" (unworried)

"stacked mine away in the bank" (saved a lot)

envy (jealousy)

financial security (money safety)

appliances (electrical house aids)

to blow a fuse (to get angry)

unspoiled (not specially treated)

to live in a tent (with someone) (to live simply)

Washington's birthplace (George Washington, first US president)

preserve it (save it; keep it in good shape)

playing pool (table game; also called billiards)

crazy lodge (ridiculous club)

Liberace (famous television pianist)


dues money (club debt)

"kept her in the dark" (keep facts from someone)

"pretty steep" (expensive)

"on time" (pay weekly or monthly)

on credit (pay weekly or monthly)

Captain Video (1950s children's space show)

dough (money)

"go along with you" (agree)

"the whole route" (the whole way)

champ (champion)

space rangers (spacemen; space explorers)

disintegrate (destroy completely)

pledge (promise)

blast off (start a space ship)

solemn (very serious)

solemn pledge (very serious promise/oath)

how do you like those apples (those facts, events)

cadet (member of a military organization)

hit on something (find something)

fuzzy (unclear)

very tricky (very uncertain)

Late Show (early morning broadcast)

flip a coin

scheme (plan)

poor soul (unlucky person)

pick on someone (annoy someone)

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