Thursday, October 25, 2007

Songs: HALLOWEEN WEEK of 30 October 2007

30 OCTOBER 2007

The song, by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince (later known as Will Smith) refers to  Freddy Kreuger, featured character in the cult film horror series, Nightmare on Elm Street films, one
of the most iconic figures in modern cinema. The song was not authorized by the film franchise and the record company ran into legal problems.

Now I have a story that I'd like to tell About this guy you all know he had me scared as hell He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed He's burnt up like a weenie [sausage] and his name is Fred He wears the same hat and sweater every single day And even if it's hot outside he wears it anyway He's home when I'm awake but he shows up when I sleep I can't believe that there's a nightmare on my street It was a Saturday evening if I remember it right And we had just gotten back off tour last night So the gang and I thought that it would be groovy [fun] If we summoned [called] up the posse [gang] and done rushed the movie I got Angie Jeff got Tina Ready Rock got some girl I'd never seen in my life That was all right because the lady was chill [all right] Then we dipped to the theater set to ill buggin' [euphemism for the "f" word] cold havin' a ball Somethin about Elm st. was the movie we saw The way it started was decent you know nuthin' real fancy About this homeboy named fred and this girl named nancy But word when it was over I said yo that was def And everything seemed all right when we left But when I got home and laid down to sleep That began the nightmare, but on my street It was burning in my room like an oven My bed soaked with sweat And man I was bugging I checked the clock and it stopped at 12:30 It had melted it was so darn hot And I was thirsty I wanted something cool to quench [satisfy] my thirst I thought to myself yo this heat is the worst But when I got downstairs I noticed something was wrong I was home all alone but the tv was on I thought nothin off it as I grabbed the remote [remote control] I pushed the power button and then I almost choked When I heard this awful voice coming from behind It said,"You turned off David Letterman . . . now you must die!"
Man, I ain't even wait to see who it was Broke inside my drawers and screamed, "So long, cuz"
Got halfway up the block I calmed down and stopped screaming Then thought, "Oh, I get it, I must be dreaming" I strolled back home with a grin on my grill I think that since this is a dream I might as well get ill I walked in the house, the Big Bad Fresh Prince But Freddy killed all that noise real quick he grabbed me by my neck and said "Here's what we'll do We gotta lotta work here, me and you The souls of your friends you and I will claim You've got the body and I've got the brain" I said, "Yo Fred I think you got me all wrong I ain't partners with nobody with nails that long Look, I'll be honest man, this team won't work The girls won't be on you, Fred, your face is all burnt" Fred got mad and his head started steaming But I thought what the hell im only dreamin I said please leave Fred so I can get some sleep But give me a call maybe we'll hang out next week I patted him on the shoulder, said "thanks for stopping by"
then I opened up the door and said "take care guy" he got mad, drew back his arm, and slashed my shirt I laughed at first, then thought, "hold up, that hurt" It wasn't a dream, man, this guy was for real I said, "Freddy, uh, pal, there's been an awful mistake here" No further words and then I darted upstairs Crashed through my door then jumped on my bed
Pulled the covers up over my head And said, "Oh please do something with Fred" He jumped on my bed, went through the covers with his claws Tried to get me, but my alarm went off And then silence It was a whole new day I thought, "Huh, I wasn't scared of him anyway" Until I noticed those rips in my sheets
And that was proof that there had been a nightmare on my street
FP: Oh man, I gotta call Jeff, I gotta call Jeff Come on, come on Come on Jeff, answer Come on, man
JJ: Hello?
FP: Jeff, this is Prince, man Jeff, wake up, Jeff, wake up
JJ: What do you want?
FP: Jeff, wake up, man, listen to me, Jeff
JJ: It's three o'clock in the morning, what do you want?
FP: Jeff, Jeff, would you listen to me? Listen, whatever you do, don't fall asleep
JJ: Man
FP: Jeff, listen to me, don't go to sleep, Jeff
JJ: look, I'll talk to you tomorrow, I'm gong to bed Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! (Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa)
FP: Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Answer me, Jeff! I'm your D.J. now, Princey! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A famous song about a spider by the 60s British band, The Who.
Look who's crawling up my wall, Black and Hairy, very small, Now he's up above my head, Hanging by a little thread BORIS THE SPIDER
BORIS THE SPIDER Now he's dropped down to the floor, Heading for the bedroom door, Maybe he's as scared as me, where's he gone now I can't see? BORIS THE SPIDER BORIS THE SPIDER creepy crawley creepy crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley There he is wrapped in a ball, Doesn't seem to move at all, Perhaps he's dead - I'll just make sure, Pick this speck up off the floor BORIS THE SPIDER BORIS THE SPIDER creepy crawley creepy crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley creepy creepy crawley crawley He's come to a sticky end, Don't think he will ever mend, Never more will he crawl 'round, He's embedded in the ground BORIS THE SPIDER BORIS THE SPIDER

This is a novelty song that has become a cult classic. It was recorded by Bobby Pickett, whose only claim to fame is this song, which is heard every year at Halloween. The song refers to the classic Hollywood Horror films, with mad scientists and monsters. But in the song the monsters dance  instead of harm. Pickett does a good imitation of the cult Horror star, Boris Karloff, famous for his roles as the Frankenstein monster and the Mummy in the 1930s horror classics.

I was working in the lab late one night  When my eyes beheld an eerie [odd, scary] sight  For my monster from his slab [cut of stone on which a dead body rests] began to rise  And suddenly to my surprise He did the mash  He did the monster mash  The monster mash  It was a graveyard smash [hit] He did the mash  It caught on in a flash [quickly] He did the mash  He did the monster mash  From my laboratory in the castle east  To the master bedroom where the vampires [bloodsuckers] feast The ghouls [monsters] all came from their humble abodes [homes]  To get a jolt  [electrical shock] from my electrodes [electrical connections]They did the mash  They did the monster mash The monster mash  It was a graveyard smash  They did the mash  It caught on in a flash  They did the mash They did the monster mash  The zombies were having fun  The party had just begun  The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds  The coffin-bangers were about to arrive  With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" They played the mash
They played the monster mash  The monster mash  It was a graveyard smash  They played the mash  It caught on in a flash  They played the mash  They played the monster mash
Out from his coffin, Drac's [Dracula's] voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid [the coffin cover] and shook his fist And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist [dance]?" It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash  The monster mash
And it's a graveyard smash  It's now the mash
It's caught on in a flash  It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band  And my monster mash is the hit of the land  For you, the living, this mash was meant too  When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you  Then you can mash Then you can monster mash  The monster mash And do my graveyard smash Then you can mash  You'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash  Then you can monster mash.

Ghost Riders In the Sky
This song has been covered (recorded) by numerous artists. Although it has a horror aspect, the song is a cowboy song based on the famous Civil War tune, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." In the song, bad cowboys are punished by the devil.
An old cowpoke [cowhand] went riding out one dark and windy day;  Upon a ridge [flat part of a mountain] he rested as he went along his way, When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he saw,  A-plowin' through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw. Refrain: Yip-pie-ya-aye, yip-pie-yi-o, ghost riders in the sky. Their brands [iron used to mark cows] were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel, Their horns was black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel; A bolt [shock] of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky, For he saw the riders comin' hard and he heard their mournful cry. Repeat Refrain: Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, Their shirts all soaked with sweat; They're ridin' hard to catch that herd, but they ain't caught 'em yet; They've got to ride forever in that range up in the sky, On horses snortin' [exhaling] fire, as they ride on, hear their cry. Repeat Refrain: As the riders loped [leaped] on by him, he heard one call his name; "If you want to save your soul from hell a' ridin' on our range,   Then cowboy change your ways today or with us you will ride, A-tryin' to catch the Devil's herd across these endless skies."  [Repeat Refrain.] Coda:  Ghost riders in the sky.

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