Sunday, October 7, 2007

Important Message on Sending Messages!

Bible Students,
    I'll repeat what I email to all students.
    All email sent to me MUST BE PLAINLY FROM A KNOWN STUDENT. This is easily done by putting key information in the Subject Line: I'm Cindy from your Bible Class. Otherwise I am not responsible for deleting email that I do not immediately recognize; because I promptly delete all junk mail, which I never open.  
    As for server problems: that will happen. That's why I have a blog. By now you should all have received permission links to access my blog. Of course you can never be sure which email you have received or not unless a student passes you and mentions it, which is unlikely. Therefore always check the blog to see if there's email you missed. Because I will send all email (other than items like this) to my blog at the same time I send it to you. This will prevent server problems from causing interference with the study emails I send, since they'll also be available on my blog.
    If you have not received permission to access my blog, please let me know, although I copied all email addresses into my blog.
    The first assignment should be arriving soon--probably by this evening or late tonight.
    Check out my Moon Festival pix on my blog site. But don't die laughing.
    Also check out my visit to the Middle East on my Blog pages.

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