Monday, May 31, 2010

Number 12


    This episode of The Twilight Zone is a thinly disguised allegory of social conformity, not just conformity to a physical ideal. Like Marilyn rebels at first but then thinks it's wonderful to look like Valerie, most teenagers rebel at first but soon adapt the ways of the world (success, popularity, possessions, money, beauty, politics, taste, etc.).
    Adolescence is chosen as the time of the transformation ("transform" = "conform") not because conformity is greatest during that period but because rebellion is greatest during that period. So transformation (conformity) must happen at that time or it may never occur.

For Wednesday briefly (several minutes, no more than 5) discuss this episode in terms of its theme or based on your own personal experience of similar pressures in your life.
    Brevity (being brief) does not mean saying nothing of substance because there's not enough time; it means you've got to work harder to say something of substance in the limited time allowed. That means you must organize your thoughts; find the right words; find the perfect comparisons or analogies, know the point you wish to make and make it plainly.

Go here: 1, 2, 3.