Monday, October 8, 2007

Songs 9 October 2007 (Bring to class: but don't forget last week's handout too!)

WEEK OF  9 October 2007

The Bible has been a source of humor as well as wisdom and comfort. This song was recorded for the movie, Casablanca, but dropped from the final cut.

Old Noah, what did he do? He built the floating zoo of camels and mammals and all kind of animals. That's what Noah done. He rescued two of a kind and had his boat designed for muskrats and polecats and bulldogs and alleycats. That's what Noah done.
Black Gospel continues to influence all forms of popular music. From Mahalia Jackson to today's superstars like Yolanda Adams, Kirk Franklin, or the sister act, Mary Mary, the music has a devoted following. The Trumpeteers were an earlier group who influenced some of Elvis Presley's Gospel records, at least one of which is modeled very closely on a Trumpeteers record.

He called in the animals two by two, there was the ox, the camel, and the kangaroo. [He] called in Japheth, Shem, and Ham, God began to flood the land. He raised his hands to Heaven on high, knocked that sun and the moon from the sky. Shook the mountains and stirred the sea, he hitched his wings to a chariot wheel, stepped on the land then stood on the shore, declared his time could be no more. Because oh, oh, Brother Noah, God's gonna ride on the rain and tide.
This song was a pop hit in the 1950s. The dove is a symbol in both Old and New Testaments. As students of the Bible should know, the Christian idea of God is "trinitarian" (involving three persons who are somehow one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Thus in the Christian idea, the Dove is the Holy Spirit. Actually, this "trinitarian" (=3) idea of God may be found (if one chooses) early in Genesis. For example, "the Spirit of God hovered over the waters" (1:2) suggests God is Spirit. Later, God says, "Let us make man in our image," which suggests a second person (the Son), totaling 3 Persons in One.
When Noah had drifted on the flood many days, he searched for land in various ways. Troubles, he had some, but wasn't forgotten. He sent him his love on the wings of a dove.
In this charming ballad, a text from Genesis is used to argue that woman should neither control man nor be abused by man. This is part of the lyric:
When Adam was created, he dwelt in Eden's shade (as Moses has related) before a bride was made. Ten thousand times ten thousand things wheeled all around, before a bride was formed, or yet a mate was found. He had no consolation but seemed as one alone. Till, to his admiration he found he'd lost a bone. Great was his exultation to see her by his side. Great was his elevation to have a loving bride.
     This woman was not taken from Adam's head, we know: and she must not rule o'er him. It's evidently so. This woman she was taken from near to Adam's heart, by which we are directed that they should never part.
This song, recorded by the great Marion Williams, refers to the Flood story in Genesis:
Didn't it rain, children?  It rained all night long! O my Lord didn't it rain? Tell me didn't it rain, children? It rained all night long! You know it did!  I said it did now! Oh Lord didn't it rain? Well it rained 40 days and it rained 40 nights. There wasn't no land nowhere in sight. God sent a raven to spread the news. Bird spread his wings and away he flew. To the east, to the west, to the north, to the south. All day all night! Oh. Listen to the rain! In the north, in the south, in the east, it rained in the west!
This Black Gospel song refers to the Noachide Covenant, the first of 4 covenants in the Old Testament, between God and his people. The rainbow is a sign of that covenant. This is what is called an "etiological story," or a story that explains an event or fact in story form (rainbows appear after a rainstorm).
When God shut Noah in the grand old ark, God put a rainbow in the cloud! When the thunders rolled and the clouds were dark, God put a rainbow in the cloud! Well, I say, God he put a rainbow in the cloud
Well, God he put the rainbow in the cloud! Well, when it looked like the sun wasn't going to shine anymore Well, I say, God he put the rainbow in the cloud!

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