Monday, November 26, 2007

Songs Week of 27 November 2007: Please be sure to bring your READING HANDOUT (book of Ruth) to class, because we'll LISTEN to it.

Songs Week of 27 November 2007

In addition to the songs below, we'll probably listen to a recordng of verses from the book of Ruth, which will exactly follow the edited handout I sent. So please be sure to bring that with you.

This wedding song, by the German composer Heinrich Schutz, is based on the most famous verses from the book of Ruth (1:16-17):
Whither thou goest there also will I go, And where thou lodgest there also will I lodge, Thy land be my land and thy God be my God. O bid me not, O bid me not to leave thee.
O bid me not, O bid me not to leave thee. What may befall us our God alone knoweth, But sharing all that his mercy bestoweth Shall be my joy, my delight never ending, Not till life's day is done shall we be parted. Not till life's day is done shall we be parted.

These verses were later set to a more modern melody, composed by Guy Singer in 1954, becoming a pop hit. The song has been recorded by, among others, Les Paul & Mary Ford, Leonard Cohen and the pop singer, Perry Como:

Whither thou goest I will go, wherever thou lodgest I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, my love. Whither thou goest, I will go. For as in that story long ago, that same sweet love story as it's told, thy people shall be my people, my love, whither thou goest, I will go. Aa in that story long ago, whither thou goes I will go, thy people shall be my people, my love, whither thou goest , wherever thou lodgest, whither thou goest I will go.
1 Samuel
These are some brief arias and choruses from Handel's oratorio, Saul.

Chorus (Saul and David are cheered): Welcome, welcome, mighy King! Welcome all who conquest bring! Welcome David, warlike boy, author of our present joy! Saul, who hast thy thousands slins, welcome to thy friends again! David his Ten Thousands slew, ten thousand praises are his due!

Saul (jealous of David): With rage I shall burst his praises to hear! Oh! how I both hate the stripling, and fear! What mortal a rival in glory can bear?

David (prayer): O Lord, whose mercies numberless o'er all thy works prevail, though daily Man thy law transgress, thy patience cannot fail. (Plays harp.)

Saul (now calm): As great Jehovah lives, I swear, the youth shall not be slain. Bid him return and void of fear adorn our court again.

Saul (invokes spirit of dead Samuel): Infernal spirits, by whose power departed ghosts in living form appear, add horror to the midnight hour and chill the boldest hearts with fear. To this stranger's wondering eyes let the prophet Samuel rise!

Dead March for Saul.

Chorus: (Elegy for Saul and Jonathan): Eagles were not so swift as they, nor lions with so strong a grasp held fast and tore the prey.

Afro-American Spiritual
Little David, play on your harp, hallelujah. Little David was a shepherd boy, he killed Goliath and he shouted for joy. (Refrain) Now Joshua was the son of Nun, he never would quit until his job was done. (Refrain) Now that sinner man, he gambled and fell, he wanted to go to Heaven but he had to go ____________. (Refrain)

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