Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Listening Quiz: Due Wednesday 21 November 2007

Holiday Dining

Go to the following web page or click on picture (left) and answer the following questions by 21 November 2007:
    1. Why are some restaurants taking a hit?
    2. What do you think "hit" might mean in the above sentence?
    3. What can "savvy consumers" expect because of the economy? a) free dishes, b) dining deals, c) double portions, d) free coffee.
    4. What does "savvy" mean above?
    5. How much does the average American household spend a year at restaurants?
    6. Traditionally, when do people tend to eat out more?
    7. What is now taking its toll on the restaurant industry?
    8. According to the broadcast, people are finding ways to a) trim the budget, b) trim the tree, c) skin the buzzard, d) tint the cupboard.
    9. What will people who go to a high-end restaurant probably do now that the economy is down?
    10. What do you think "higher-end" restaurant means in the sentence above?
    11. What three ways are being used to lure customers?
    12. What do you think "lure" means in the above sentence?
    13. These deals are not new, according to one spokesman. What is new about the deals?
    14. What are higher-end restaurants doing to bring people back for more?

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