'Twas the Night Before Christmas
In-Class Assignment for Week of 20 November 2007
In-Class Assignment for Week of 20 November 2007
1. At the beginning of the show why does Alice look for a hiding place?
2. According to Alice, when do she and Ralph usually exchange their Christmas gifts?
3. What did Ed buy Trixie for Christmas?
4. What famous man is represented on Ed's gift?
5. Which part of his body does juice squirt out of?
6. What toy would you use to squirt someone with water?
7. Why does Alice tell Ralph that he can't be trusted?
8. What does Alice hide in the bedroom closet on the shelf behind her hat box?
9. Why does Ralph call Alice a "wisenheimer"? (Look up the word!).
10. Where does Ed say he bought Ralph's spats?
11. Ralph explains that Alice has a "fetish" about exchanging Christmas gifts on what day?
12. What are some of your fetishes, as in the phrase, "I've got a fetish for fried oysters," etc. (Avoid the sexual meaning of the word.)
13. Ralph says when Alice sees his gifts, she'll "flip." What do you think he means?
14. If the "gig's up" what does that mean?
15. When are you likely to say, "That's a beauty" (variant form: "That's a beaut").
16. Discuss a clever ruse you played on a friend, classmate, or family member?
17. If someone is a dope, does that mean he takes drugs? Does it mean she's intelligent? Explain.
18. What is box for that Ralph buys Alice?
19. What goes into the secret door?
20. How many matchsticks were used to make the box?
21. Where does Ralph think the box came from?
22. What are some objects that might e smuggled into a country?
23. Ralph says he can't wait to see the look on Alice's kisser when she sees his gift. What might "kisser" mean?
24. Why does Ed think that Christmas morning might be too late to give Alice her gift?
25. What gift does Alice give her woman visitor?
26. Where does her guest say the novelty store is located?
27. What might be purchased at a novelty store?
28. Discuss a novelty you bought or received as a gift.
29. When the woman says her gift is "just a trifle," what does she mean? It's expensive? Cheap? Special?
31. What does Ed mean when he says that "everyone's busted"?
32. What does it mean to break bread? Break a toy? What does it mean to be broke?
33. How much did Ralph say he saved up?
34. What did he buy with his savings?
35. What do you think Ralph means when he calls Ed a "riot" (a phrase often used by Ralph in the Honeymooners series)?
36. Ed wishes Uncle Leo a "Happy Yuletide." What's another way to say "Happy Yuletide"?
37. Explain Ed's plan to attach a label, "DO NOT OPEN TILL AFTER CHRISTMAS"?
38. Usually men only call women "sweetheart." Why does Ralph call Uncle Leo "sweetheart"?
39. If you say that something "slipped my mind," what do you mean?
40. How much is Uncle Leo's gift certificate worth?
41. At one point Ed tells Ralph to "Hold the phone!" What's a near translation of this idiom?
42. Why might you hock an object you own?
43. When one says about someone else that, "They threw away the mold" in making him or her, what is the intended meaning? Explain.
44. What does Alice buy Ralph?
45. What's another meaning for "Pardon me"?
46. If you stash away money, what does that mean?
47. Ralph says that around Christmas time, "everyone's hustling." What does he mean?
48. If you're nuts about someone, does that mean you hate them, love them? What does it mean?
49. When does Jackie Gleason "step out of character"?
50. What does Gleason and the other cast members step out of character at the end of the show?
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