Thursday, December 4, 2008

Additional home listening assignment for 9 December 2008 (DO NOT PREPARE AT THE LAST MINUTE.)


In addition to completing the assignment based on Five Characters in Search of an Exit, you should prepare the following. View the clip, then prepare the following questions:
  1. According to the narrator, where does the story begin?
  2. What does Porky Pig ask Scrooge for?
  3. How big?
  4. Unable to say "cold," what word does Porky use?
  5. What did Scrooge give Porky last Tuesday?
  6. What advice does Scrooge give Porky to keep warm?
  7. What three things does Scrooge say he hates after Bugs Bunny kisses him?
  8. What does Bugs say somebody should teach Scrooge?
  9. What kind of Xmas does Bugs wish Porky after he puts some coal in the stove?
  10. What does Scrooge accuse Porky of stealing?
  11. What does Bugs say to Porky to cheer him up after he's fired?
  12. What does Bugs call Tiny Tim (Tweety Bird) when he's introduced to him at the dinner table?
  13. What is Tweety's response?
  14. What does Scrooge plan to do on Christmas?
  15. What does he say will hurt his eyes?
  16. What does Scrooge believe will help him sleep?
  17. What does Bugs say Scrooge is liable to boil in his hot bath?
  18. According to Bugs, ice snow is likely to cool off everything in Scrooge except what?
  19. What kind of Christmas Eve does Bugs want to give Scrooge?
  20. What does Scrooge tell Sylvester the Cat to keep off of his back?
  21. What color suit does the man wear to whom Bugs (the ghost) threaten to take Scrooge?
  22. Who is this man?
  23. When Bugs sees Scrooge giving away money, he says, "Well what do you know? I didn't think the little __________ would ever change."
  24. What does Scrooge make Porky in the firm?
  25. How does Scrooge want Porky to call him?
  26. What does Scrooge say he hates at the end of the film?

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