Monday, December 24, 2007

Songs Week of 25 December 2007

Songs: Week of 25 December 2007
One of the more famous Gospel songs (not to be confused with the even more famous spiritual, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"). Elijah's assumption into Heaven becomes a model for a blessed death (though apparently Elijah didn't actually die).
Swing down, sweet chariot coming to carry me home. Why don't you swing down sweet chariot, stop, and let me ride (2), oh rock me Lord, rock me Lord, calm and easy, I've got a home on the other side. (2) Look over yonder, what did I see? Something like a chariot coming after me.
Three white horses, side by side. Swing down chariot and let me ride. Why don't you swing down sweet chariot, stop, and let me ride, oh rock me Lord, rock me Lord, calm and easy, I've got a home on the other side. Met my mother this morning, coming up the hill so slow  trying to get to Heaven in due time before the Heaven do close. Why don't you wake me, shake me, don't let me sleep too late. Trying to get to Heaven in due time before Heaven close. I'm bound for higher ground, I'm seeking the holy ground, can't remain on the surface, I'm bound for higher ground.
A Reggae song. References are to Elijah (on Mt. Carmel) and Joshua. "Rasta" refers to Rastafarianism, a Jamaican religion based on the idea that Solomon had a child with the Queen of Sheba. Thus Ethiopians and Jamaicans are descendents of the House of David, with the same Covenant (the Davidic Covenant).
It was Elijah who prayed that it did not rain. (He was a Rasta man.) He prayed and the rains came again. (He was a Rasta man.) It was Joshua who commanded the sun to stand still. (He was a Rasta man.) He did that according to his Master's will. (He was a Rasta man.) What a dread, dread whola one! The Rasta man comes from Zion.
This hymn, by the American Colonial composer, William Billings, insures the Jewish people of God's everlasting covenant, proof that the temple and the city's walls shall be rebuilt, as shown in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Now shall my inward joy arise, and burst into a song. Almighty Love inspires my heart and pleasure tunes my tongue. God on his thirsty Zion Hill, some mercy drops has thrown and solemn oaths have bound his love to shower our salvation down. Why do we then indulge our fears, suspicions and complaints? Is he a God and shall his grace grow weary of his saints? Can a kind woman ever forget the infant of her womb and 'monst a tousand rtender thoughts her suckling have no room? Yet, saith the Lord, should Nature change and mothers monsters prove, Zion still dwells upon the heart of everlasting love. Deep on the palms of both my hands I have engraved her Name; my hands shall raise her ruined walls and build her broken frame.

This is a actually the title song from a Paul Newman film. But the song is based on ideas that can be traced back to the assurance of a personal protection by God in God's promise to King David (the Davidic Covenant).
Somebody up there likes me, somebody up there cares, somebody up there knows my fears and hears my silent prayers, talks with me when I'm lonely, walks with me when the night is long, yes somebody up there likes me, whatever betide me, he'll comfort and guide me and stand beside right or wrong, he'll stand beside me right or wrong, as sure as he lights the stars, the earth and the gentle sea, I'm certain that somebody, yes somebody up there likes me!
This might have been written by David, who would soon become king and be "strong again." Or it might have been sung by Nehemiah and those who rebuilt Jerusalem's wall after King Cyrus of Persia allowed them to do so and they were "ready to go" from Babylon after the fifty-year Babylonian Exile.
Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. You can't stop me, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. You can't stop me, child, I'm ready to go. Everyone tried to trip me up, I've had to drink from a bitter cup. I've been as low as I've ever been. But that was then, now I'm strong again. Strong again, child, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. You know, I've been low as I've ever been. That was then, child, I'm strong again. I'm ready to move, I'm ready to go. I'm a child of God, 'cause that's how it's so. Lord if you need me, just say when. Choose me and use me, I'm strong again. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Choose me, use me, I'm strong again. Just say when Lord, I'm strong again! Choose me, use me, use me Lord, I'm strong again. Fit for service, fit for your use. Use me Lord, I'm strong again. Strong again, I'm ready to go. Strong again, I'm ready to go. You can' t stop me, I'm ready to go. You can't stop me, I'm ready to go.
A 1960 recording by Elvis Presley became a big hit when finally released as a single in 1964. Elvis' recording can be heard here; another recording by the Gospel singer, Mahalia Jackson, can be heard here. A "chapel" is a private church or a special section of a church used for prayer. The point of the song is the need for separate communion with God. The word "temple" is related to the word "time": time separated from regular worldly time in order to worship God.

You saw me crying in the chapel. The tears I shed were tears of joy I know the meaning of contentment Now I am happy with the lord Just a plain and simple chapel Where humble people go to pray I pray the lord that Ill grow stronger As I live from day to day Ive searched and Ive searched But I couldn't find No way on earth To gain peace of mind Now Im happy in the chapel Where people are of one accord We gather in the chapel Just to sing and praise the lord
Every sinner looks for something That will put his heart at ease There is only one true answer He must get down on his knees Meet your neighbor in the chapel Join with him in tears of joy Youll know the meaning of contentment Then youll be happy with the lord Youll search and youll search But youll never find No way on earth To gain peace of mind Take your troubles to the chapel Get down on your knees and pray Your burdens will be lighter And you'll surely find the way.

Though German, Handel mastered Italian opera, then, in England, invented the English oratorio with Esther, the first of many, including Messiah. (The English oratorio made greater use of the chorus.) We hear Haman's plot to kill Jews. It's interesting to note that antisemitism, as we know it today, began during the Diaspora (dispersion) of the Jews that began with the Babylonian Captivity and later in the Persian period. It appears in the book of Daniel and in the book of Esther, because Jews refused to honor local gods.

It is decreed all the Jewish race shall bleed. Hear and obey what Haman's voice commands. Let Jewish blood dye every hand, let Jewish blood dye every hand. Nor age nor sex I spare, no age nor sex I spare. No age nor sex I spare. Raze, raze, raze, their temples to the ground and let their place no more be found.

The tune, "Shiloh," is a hymn on the birth of Jesus by the American Colonial composer, William Billings. Tunes used to be given special titles with no relation to the lyrics. "Shiloh" refers to an early Israelite shrine, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept before being moved to Jerusalem. When the site was destroyed by the Philistines, the Shilonite priests moved to Nob, where they were killed by King Saul, except for Abiathar, later killed by King Solomon for supporting Adonijah's claim to the throne. In this way, the Shilonite priesthood lost its power, replaced by the Jerusalem priesthood starting with Zadok, who supported Solomon.
Methinks I see an heavenly host of angels on the wing. Methinks I hear their cheerful notes, So merrily they sing, so merrily they sing. Let all your fears be banished, glad tidings I proclaim, for there is a savior born today and Jesus is his name and Jesus is his name.

Puer Natus
"A Child Is Born" is a famous Gregorian chant on the birth of Jesus, also adapted in "New Age" style by Aine Minogue. Latin and English verses are included. (Compare English cognates, or related words: puerile [childish]; puberty [young adulthood]; nativity; native; natural; nature.) "Alleluia" is the Greek form of Hallelujah.

Puer Natus in Bethlehem alleluia Unde Gaudet Jerusalem, Alleluia, alleluia

A child is born in Bethlehem, alleluia So leap with joy Jerusalem alleluia, alleluia

CHORUS: In cordis jubilo, Christum natum adoremus, Cum novo cantico

CHORUS: A new song let us sing For Christ is born, let us adore and let our gladness ring.

Assumpsit carnem filius, Alleluia Dei Patris altissimus, Alleluia, Alleluia

The shepherds hear the angel's word, alleluia This child is truly Christ the Lord, alleluia, alleluia

De Matre Natus Virgine, alleluia Qui lumen est day lumine, allelluia, alleluia

From virgin's womb this child is born, alleluia The light from light who brings the dawn, alleluia, alleluia.

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