2 Kings
Songs Week of 18 December 2007
Elijah Rock, shout, shout, Elijah Rock coming of the Lord. (2) Elijah Rock. If I could I surely would stand on the rock where Moses stood. (2)Songs Week of 18 December 2007
Elijah is an important prophet for both Jews and Christians. Since he was taken to heaven in a whirlwind and chariot of fire, he is expected back by both Jews and Christians. Jews leave a cup for him at their Passover meal in case he returns that night, while John the Baptist and Jesus are linked to Elijah in the New Testament. Differences are blended in Gospel music, so that Moses, Elijah, and Jesus are all one. In this way, Gospel music continues the style of the New Testament, which simply fulfills the old, as Jesus fulfilled Moses:
Hunted by Jezebel, Elijah flees to Mt. Horeb (Sinai), where, like Moses he travels 40 days in search of God. Told to stand on the mountain, the Lord speaks in "a still small voice." The idea was to separate God's voice from the voices of other gods, who usually spoke in thunder and lightning (as Israel's God had in the time of the exodus). Today this still small voice is usually called our "conscience." It is a more rationalized (less personifed) way of thinking of God.
And he came unto a cave and lodged there and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind rent the mountain and brake in pieces the rock before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a still small voice.Hunted by Jezebel, Elijah flees to Mt. Horeb (Sinai), where, like Moses he travels 40 days in search of God. Told to stand on the mountain, the Lord speaks in "a still small voice." The idea was to separate God's voice from the voices of other gods, who usually spoke in thunder and lightning (as Israel's God had in the time of the exodus). Today this still small voice is usually called our "conscience." It is a more rationalized (less personifed) way of thinking of God.
A still small voice will speak to you one day. The still small voice will call to you and say, "I am the earth, the sky, the brightest star on high, the tallest tree, the smallest drop of dew. A still small voice one day will say to you. The still small voice from every voice apart will whisper in the language of your heart. I am the night, the day, the blessing and the way, a dream that keeps a lonely heart aglow. Once you have heard the word a still small voice will say, your heart will answer yes I know. Once you have heard the word a still small voice will say, your heart will answer yes I know.SHACKLES (PRAISE YOU)
Today worship is very quiet, except in the Black churches, which are more faithful to early worship forms, familiar in the psalmist's cry to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord," and King David dancing before the Ark of the Lord. Only Black churches continue this tradition today (Elvis Presley claimed he learned his style from looking into Black churches as a child). Mary, Mary is a Gospel duo trying to modernize the genre of Gospel music to keep it up to date with hip hop beats.
To hear the song, click on the slide show below.
Whoo! It sure is hot out here Ya know? I don't mind though Just glad to be free Know what I'm saying, uh!Today worship is very quiet, except in the Black churches, which are more faithful to early worship forms, familiar in the psalmist's cry to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord," and King David dancing before the Ark of the Lord. Only Black churches continue this tradition today (Elvis Presley claimed he learned his style from looking into Black churches as a child). Mary, Mary is a Gospel duo trying to modernize the genre of Gospel music to keep it up to date with hip hop beats.
To hear the song, click on the slide show below.
(Yeah, yeah) You broke the chains now I can lift my hands (Uh feel me?) And I'm gonna praise you (What'cha gon do?) I'm gonna praise you In the corners of mind I just can't seem to find a reason to believe That I can break free Cause you see I have been down for so long Feel like the hope is gone But as I lift my hands, I understand That I should praise you through my circumstance Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance
I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you Everything that could go wrong All went wrong at one time So much pressure fell on me I thought I was gon lose my mind But I know you wanna see If I will hold on through these trials But I need you to lift this load Cause I can't take it anymore Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you Been through the fire and the rain Bound in every kind of way But God has broken every chain So let me go right now Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you [repeat x3] Take them off What'cha gonna do, yeah Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you.
This is a paraphrase of King Solomon's prayer of dedication of the Temple in 1 Kings 8.
If my people who are called by My Name would humble themselves and pray, and purposely seek my name. Oh if my people who are called by My Name, oh, if they would humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways. I will hear from Heaven, I will hear from Heaven, yes, I will hear from Heaven, I'll hear and I will heal their land. This is what the Lord said, If God's people who are called by His Name oh if they would humble themselves and pray, and purposely seek His Name. If my people who are called by His Name if they would humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways. He will hear from Heaven, I said He will hear from Heaven, I believe He will hear from Heaven, He'll hear and He will heal their land. He will hear from Heaven, I said He will hear from Heaven, I believe He will hear from Heaven, He'll hear and He will heal their land.This is a paraphrase of King Solomon's prayer of dedication of the Temple in 1 Kings 8.
This Gospel song is based on Elijah's escape to Mt. Horeb (Sinai).
You'd better run on, run to the mountain (3) run on to God (2). He's so high you can't go over him, he's so low you can't go under him, he's so high you can't go around him. You'd better run on to God, you'd better run to the Lord (3). Run to the sea the sea will be falling, run to the tree, the tree will be falling, turn to the rock to hide your face, the rock is your hiding place. You'd better run, run on to God, you'd better run, you know who you are, you've been wasting too much time, get in a hurry you'd better make haste, the Lord is calling you, you know who you are. Everybody, you'd better run on, oh you'd better run on. Oh run on! You'd better run on. You know you need the Lord right now.ONLY ONE
This is typical of the Deuteronomist message in Samuel and Kings, with its emphasis on one God. Hence Elijah's battle with the god of Ba'al; and God's bringing a three-year drought on Israel, and the rain that comes only from God: to make clear that everything, including birth and rain, comes from God and not another deity.
Only one can make the valley deep, the mountain high, the oak tree strong. Only one can bless us while we sleep and give us faith to keep, to keep our whole life long. Only one can hear each prayer we say and pray that we might learn his way, so has it always been, so shall it always be as long as we believe in only one. Only one can make the valley deep, the mountain high, the oak tree strong. Only one can bless us while we sleep and give us faith to keep, to keep our whole life long. Rich or poor no matter who we are, we all are one to only one, so has it always been, so shall it always be for all eternity, only one!This is typical of the Deuteronomist message in Samuel and Kings, with its emphasis on one God. Hence Elijah's battle with the god of Ba'al; and God's bringing a three-year drought on Israel, and the rain that comes only from God: to make clear that everything, including birth and rain, comes from God and not another deity.
IT IS WELL (Elisha's Song)
Bluegrass Gospel, on Elisha's miracles (2 Kings 4:14ff.):
There lived a man and a woman in a town called Shunem, they made a home for Elisha and found favor in his eyes. So God sent them a miracle. The only thing they longed for: in a year they would hold a son, as Elisha prophesied. One day they ran from the field, brought the child to his mother, she held his head there on her knee until he died at noon that day. She didn't tell anyone, she went straight to the man of God. And if anyone asked her, she replied while on her way, "It is well, it is well. There is peace in my despair, knowing God will hear my prayer and I will cling to the promise that he brings. Even death can have no sting, no power in Hell. In His presence I will dwell, where it is well." Elisha stood by the bedside, where she laid the boy when he died. He prayed a prayer upon him and he breathed new life again. Friend, God doesn't ever change and if you'll have that woman's faith He'll send you a miracle, and until then you can say,"It is well, it is well. There is peace in my despair, knowing God will hear my prayer and I will cling to the promise that he brings. Even death can have no sting, no power in Hell. In His presence I will dwell, in His presence I will dwell. . . ."
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