Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Psalm 34 in acrostic pattern

(in acrostic pattern)

IT'S TRUE THAT most Hebrew poetry can be translated with less loss than other types of poetry. But there is some loss, such as puns and assonance ("sounds of silence" may not translate into another language without losing the sibilance of the "s" sounds).
    But there's another device that also does not translate well. Some psalms and even entire books, like Psalms 34, 119, and the Lamentations, were written in acrostic patterns.
    An acrostic is a series of verses each one starting with the next letter of the alphabet. I have below rephrased Psalm 34 to show what an acrostic looks like.
    I claim no poetic beauty to this; it was quickly composed merely to illustrate the acrostic method.
    Acrostics are common today, as when each letter of the word "mother" or "love" is used to illustrate what "mother" or "love" means to a person (as in the famous song, "Mother": "'M' is for the many things she gave me," etc.).
    The Hebrew alphabet had only 22 letters; hence I had to stop at the letter V in this 22 verse psalm. Each letter of the alphabet in
highlighted in red:

At all times, I will praise the Lord!

Boasting in the Lord, the afflicted will hear and rejoice.

Come let us praise his name together.

Desperate, I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from my fears.

Everyone one who looks to him is radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

From all his troubles the poor man was saved when he called on the Lord.

Great is the Lord, whose angel encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

Happy is the man who takes refuge in the Lord; taste and see that he is good.

If you fear the Lord, you'll lack nothing.

Just fear the Lord and you'll lack no good thing, though even lions grow weak and hungry.

Keep attentive, my children; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Lovers of life who want to see many good days,

Mute your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

Not doing evil, do good instead; seek peace and pursue it.

On the righteous the eyes of the Lord rest, and his ears attend to their cry;

Putting his face against those who do evil, the Lord cuts the memory of them from the earth.

Question the Lord, you righteous ones, and he will hear; he will deliver you from all your troubles,

Right next to the broken-hearted stands the Lord and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Sorrowful from many troubles, the righteous man is delivered from them all by the Lord.

Trusting in the Lord, not one of their bones will be broken.

Undone by their evil, the foes of the righteous will be condemned.

Victory is assured to the Lord's servants; no-one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.

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