Friday, March 6, 2009

ESL: Due the Ides of March (Sunday 15 March 2009)

15 March 2009

NOT REQUIRED (but you may learn something): As you view this video, also study the way that Dr. Carol Ash speaks. She's informed, but she crams too much information in a short amount of time and also doesn't pace her speech (she speaks too fast, her speaking is choppy, and she doesn't use vocal variety). Consider her response to the simple question whether older people need less sleep. Instead of answering the question directly, she meanders. Compare her with the interviewer, who, mindful of her viewers, speaks in a more measured pace and tries to address a single issue at a time. For example, she responds to Dr. Ash's long and involved answer to a simple question ("What is the cost [of a lack of sleep]?") with a simple comment ("So very, very destructive"). In other words, Dr. Ash was too specific, so the interviewer tried to raise the issue to a more simple general issue ("very destructive [to one's health]"). Dr. Ash begins well by listing three effects of a lack of sleep but then crams too many details into her response and her pace is too choppy and fast. In speaking, one must maintain a variety of pace and keep a balance between the general and the specific. In writing, one can go into more details because the reader has more time to digest them and the writer has more time to explain them. But in speaking, one should observe the "Rule of 3": make only three points at a time, otherwise your audience will have too much information to digest.
(NOTE: "Not required" refers to the above commentary, NOT to the week's assignment, below.)

1. About how many Americans are losing sleep over the state of the economy?
2. What does the interviewer call a "crucial" topic?
3. When was the poll referred to in question #1 taken?
4. What do most people have no awareness of?
5. What three areas of your being does lack of sleep affect?
6. Who may have difficulty "coping"?
7. What will happen to critical thinking and performance due to lack of sleep?
8. Physiologically, how many hours of sleep do humans need?
9. As we get older we need less sleep. True False.
10. Name three ways to improve your bedroom in order to insure sleep?
11. What should you do with your mattress if it's old?
12. In one word, what kind of a sleeping environment should one create?
13. In numbers (not percentage), how many Americans have a sleep disorder?
14. Over the course of time, what 4 medical conditions does apnea lead to?
15. What are 4 symptoms of sleep apnea?
16. What percent of American suffer from restless leg syndrome?

*As a footnote, March 15 was known as the "Ides of March" in the Roman calendar. It was on that day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. Therefore Caesar is warned by the soothsayer in Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, to "Beware the Ides of March!"

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