View "Be My Valentine" in three segments (1, 2, 3) and prepare the following questions for Thursday:1.
2. Why does Lucy wish him good luck?
3. Why does Sally tell Linus the teacher called his name?
4. What feeling does Linus have about himself?
5. What does the tacher want Linus to do?
6. What does Linus call the teacher's request?
7. What does he call the teacher's request as he pounds the erasers?
8. What does Linus say he can die from?
9. What does Linus say he's going to buy his teacher?
10. What does Lucy say was probably the first greeting card?
11. When does it date from?
12. When were hand-painted copper plates produced?
13. What was Valentine's Day set aside as orginally?
14. What does Lucy say Linus doesn't realize?
15. What should the amount of money one spends on a present be in direct proportion to?
17. What does Violet tell Sally is appropriate for a young man?
18. According to Charlie Brown's narration, when did the romantic adventure of the two puppet lovers begin?
19. What did the narrated lovers do in the carriage?
20. Where did the lovers race in their carriage?
21. Why did the earth rumble in Charlie Brown's romantic story?
22. Who attacked the lovers in their carriage?
23. What rolled overhead?
24. What kind of Valentine is very special if you really like somebody?
25. What does Charlie Brown think is surely bound to happen in his big class?
26. How does Charlie Brown say Sally should make Linus a Valentine?
27. According to Schroeder what is prepared for after everyone puts their Valentines in a box?
28. Why does Charlie Brown carry a briefcase?
29. What does the teacher say it would be if Linus presented his Valentine to her personally?
30. Why does Sally think Linus didn't give her his box of candy?
31. How does Sally say she will get him later?
32. What does Frida's candy heart say?
33. What does Sally's candy heart say (just the first line).
34. Who does Lucy say no one would waste a Valentine on?
35. According to Schroeder, where will refreshments be served?
36. What does Sally do when she thinks Linus is approaching with her Valentine?
37. Who is with Linus's favorite teacher in the parking lot?
38. Who does Sally say is just a crazy mixed-up kid?
39. To what does Linus dedicate the first piece of Valentine candy he throws away?
40. Second?
42. Fourth?
43. Fifth?
44. What does Charlie Brown say he would give anything for?
45. What does Charlie Brown say he'll be if he looks and there's nothing in the mailbox?
46. What according to Schroeder cannot be made retroactive?
47. Who does Schroeder call the most thoughtless bunch he has ever known?
48. What does Charlie Brown think may be a new trend?
49. How many briefcases does Charlie Brown imagine he will need next year?
50. Sally recites Elizabeth Barrett Browning's famous sonnet, "How Do I Love Thee?" (below). Discuss your understanding of the poem.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
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