(The Honeymooners)
Go to the following links (1, 2, 3, 4), view program, and answer the following questions (you can also access each segment nearby the previous segment);(The Honeymooners)
2. What does Ralph order (no need to mention the sauce)?
3. Since he's on a diet, what does he order instead of his first choice?
4. What does Ed order?
5. Which school did Ralph and Herman go to as children?
6. Why does Herman think Ralph has changed?
7. Which row was Ralph in in the class picture?
8. How many years has Ralph been married?
9. What is Alice's (Ralph's wife) maiden name?
10. What color hair does she have?
11. When is it wonderful to be married, according to Ralph?
12. Why doesn't Herman get married?
13. How many people does Ralph handle on the bus every day?
14. How old does Ralph estimate the female diner is?
15. What occupation does he think she has?
16. How old does Ed think she is?
17. What occupation does he think she has?
18. What grade does she teach according to Ed?
19. If Ralph doubts Ed's veracity, what is Ed willing to submit to?
20. What does Ed want Herman to talk to the girl about?
21. What approach does Ed recommend to talk with the girl?
22. What approach does Ralph recommend?
23. What does Ralph ask to borrow from the girl?
24. What did Ralph accomplish, according to Ed?
25. What does the counter person tell the girl he has in the kitchen after Ralph spills coffee on her?
26. How many cousins does Alice have?
27. What are their names?
28. How long has the family tried to get them married off?
29. Who looks like Abraham Lincoln, according to Ed?
30. What is Evelyn's phone number?
31. How does Ralph describe his weight to Evelyn over the phone?
32. Why does Ralph think Evelyn hung up the phone?
33. What recently happened between Charlotte and her boyfriend?
34. What time does Ralph make the date for between Charlotte and Herman?
35. What does Herman plan to do with his blue suit for the date?
36. What does Ralph plan to buy Alice when he goes home?
37. What does Ralph call Ed's sandwich?
38. What color hair does Evelyn have?
39. What does Trixie say men do when they feel guilty over a love affair?
40. How long has it been since Ralph bought Alice flowers?
41. Where did Trixie hear the rumor of Ralph having an affair?
42. Why are beauty parlors a menace to society according to Ed?
43. What tournament does Ralph have next week?
44. When Alice asks Ralph to tell her the truth, what does he confess to?
45. How much money was involved?
46. What does Ralph say he charges pretty women instead of a fare?
47. What does he same women have to do if they want a transfer?
48. What does the bus advertise instead of "Madison Avenue"?
49. Why doesn't Ralph want Ed to explain what the confusion to Alice?
50. Where is Alice taking the clothes in her suitcase?
51. Why does Alice say she wants to get away from the house?
52. Why does Alice wish Ralph comes back?
53. Why does Trixie think that Ed is considerate?
54. What is Charlotte's friend, Ethel, wary of?
55. What are Mike's (Charlotte's ex-boyfriend) two faults?
56. What is embroidered on Ethel's handkerchief?
57. What does Ethel bet Charlotte her date will look like?
58. What is Mike liable to think about Ralph when he enters?
59. How does Ethel solve the problem?
60. How long does Ethel know Ralph according to Ethel?
61. How long does Ralph know Ethel according to Ralph?
62. What phrase does Ralph use to call Ethel?
63. How does Ralph discover Ethel's name?
64. After Evelyn calls Ralph sweet, what does Ethel call him?
65. What does Ralph call himself when Ed enters Ralph's apartment?
66. Why doesn't Ed do anything when he sees Alice walking with her suitcase?
67. What seven things in the house remind Ralph of Alice?
68. Why does Ed want to charge Ralph ten dollars for his possessions?
69. Who does Ed say may come back some day?
70. Why does Herman say he can't take Charlotte out that night?
71. What are Ralph's final words to Alice?
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